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The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

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We and other Members will help you to earn in this program.
Receive $161,452.38 profits !
First 3 People return your $.75 !
No advertising or internet business experience required.
You can sell our product and get extra benefit from us.
Your own referral URL instantly and automatically.
All your profits will be deposited directly to your account instantly
Welcome to A.W.Surveys!

We would like to thank you for being part of A.W.Surveys. With your help we are one of the fastest growing survey companies in the world. We are proud that our Web Site Evaluations are helping change how the web looks. We believe we have the best survey takers in the world, which is why we value and pay so much for your evaluations.

August is Here!! - New Announcements

The $500 Monthly Bonus cash prize for July has ended. The winner for July is Audra****! Congratulations!

8/1/2009 - The August Bonus Contest has started. Please remember you receive $1 for completing this survey and will also be entered into our $500 Monthly Contest.

8/8/2009 - Please remember to log into your account at least every 45 days to make sure that is stays active!

You qualify for the following redemption offers.

10,000 Banner Impressions ~ Cost: $12000
100$ PTC Ad , 200 Clicks ~ Cost: $16000
400$ Paid Solo Mail to All ~ Cost: $32000
Free Member Payout ~ Cost: $50000

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A.W Survey

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